Thursday, June 28, 2012

A thought...

I have been thinking a lot lately about what I do....making things...finding things....about what I might be the best at and what I should "focus" on....if I should focus more one thing that I do...fabric designs, photography, sewing, painting, etc...... 

There are so many definitions and opinions of art.....and so many opinions on what is "good" art.  The definition I like best is from good old Encyclopedia Britannica online from my google search tonight....

"the use of skill and imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects, environments, or experiences that can be shared with others".

Just the thought of sharing "imagination" with others......or sharing anything with others....puts a smile on my face!  Someone I know thought my "bird on the wire" print looked like drumsticks not birds.....and he didn't like it...thought I should redo it.  It made me feel a little insecure and made me want to new take new photos of birds on wires....and make a new start over...that was before I sold my first pillow with the print...or before I sold many more of the pillows with the print.

My point is art and creativity is something you should do for yourself to express who you are...what you share that with others....whatever it is....even if it is considered "good" or even (the feared).... if someone might consider to be "bad".....

A drumstick to one person......just might be the perfect pillow someone was looking for with a representation of something...we all see everyday....a "bird on a wire"...or "birds on wires".


    photograph "Bird on a Wire" in a found frame that I refinished that
             I use as inspiration for fabric prints that I sew into pillows.  I took this
             photo on my street in H-Town and bought the frame at a thrift store in Katy.

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