Monday, November 14, 2011

The Glass Menagerie (Family Heirloom)

"Then all at one my sister touches my shoulder.  I turn around and look into her eyes."

These words make me think of my family and how important they are to me.  I love finding things that remind me of my family, old photos, things, furniture, being sorrounded by family heirlooms and memories.  I always have!  However, the I older I get and due to some of the changes I have had in my life, I really appreciate those memories....simple memories....good memories more than ever!  I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and have been thinking about family lately.   

Below...are some old family photos that I love!  They are of my brother and I riding our rocking horses, the only thing is that the photos were taken about 18 years apart, he is the younger one.  He always says that :). I luv my big bro!

Below...I have a collection of family photographs hanging on my wall.  I have photos of my dad as a kid, mom as a kid, aunts, uncles, my brother, cousins and a Navy photo of my dad. I don't think you can ever have enough photography of loved ones around your home.  I bought most of the frames at "Dollar" stores and thrift stores.  I repainted them to be mostly black to tie in the different shapes and styles. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Glass Menagerie

I am going to continue with The Glass Menagerie as inspiration for a few weeks into November.  I think many of the words go along perfectly with what I have been doing over the past few months and are great art and design ideas.    

"I was pursued by something....Perhaps, it was a familar bit of music.  Perhaps, it was only a piece of transparent glass." 

Below....I found the desk for about $30 at a thrift store and it was green, the finish was very 90's.  I added decorative molding to the drawers and aluminum leaved the desk for a new finish.  The finish a reflective like glass...."a piece of transparent glass". a window frame with glass that my neighbor had out for trash.  It creates a great visual piece on my wall and once again refers to "transparent glass".  I have always been attracted to old windows and doors for art and decoration.    

  Below...A photograph that I took of an old door from my house that
  was hanging in my garage.  I call it, "Rusty Chipped Knob". 

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Glass Menagerie

Tonight is my first blog!  I am going to be finding inspiration from literature and relating it to my artwork and trends in interior design.  My first blog finds inspiration from the words of Tennesse Williams in his book The Glass Menagerie. 

"The cities swept about me like dead leaves, leaves that were brightly colored but torn away at the branches." 

The photographs "Twiggies I and Twiggies II" find inspiration from those words.  I took the photos on one of my walks and you are seeing twigs, branches and ivy hanging from trees in front of the woods near my house.  They also look incredible as art pieces hanging on a wall! 

Below....I have my photographs in frames that I found at thrift stores, refinished and put my branch/tree inspired photographs in!